Report or Clear an Absence


Only a Parent/Guardian or Parent Representative may clear an absence.

— If you are requesting an early dismissal, please call (916) 395-5110.

Any submission found to be fraudulent will result in administrative consequences.

Please fill out the form below or send a note with your student. (If the absence is for part of the day only, please make note in the “message” box below). 

Office staff will call to verify as necessary.

If you would like to request homework, please email the teachers directly.

DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REQUEST AN EARLY DISMISSAL. You must call the school at the time of dismissal or come in.

Due to high volumes and limited staff, absences may not clear for up to 5 school days following the report of absence. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.

THANK YOU for helping your student attend as often as possible in order to stay on track. Attendance MATTERS!

Student Information

Please select the date absent or if multiple days the date absence began.

If student was absent multiple days in a row, please select the date absence ended. Please leave field blank if student was absent only one day.

Parent/Guardian or Authorized Caregiver Information


Must be a valid AND complete email address or message will not be delivered.

Absence Information