Ordering Cap and Gown
Click here to order a Cap and Gown from Jostens.
What you and your parents need to know about order caps and gowns:
Ordering Student Pictures
Hello Parents,
Your pictures are posted online to access your child’s private gallery and 72-hour shipping is now available. You can easily access your pictures by clicking on the direct link that was sent to your email/text.
You may also visit our website below. This will require an “ONLINE CODE”.
This will be unique to each student and is their (Student ID Number)
ORDERING–Direct Link:
CalKIDS — Free College Savings Account
Created by the State of California, CalKIDS provides up to $1,500 in free money for eligible school-aged children to help kickstart their savings for future college and career training expenses.
See the attached flyer and visit for more details.